Ever gotten a petrol shower when removing the gas tank from a motorcycle? Yep, so have I. Bikes with crossover lines between the left and right sides sometimes give you a squirt or two; and on some of the fuel-injected models that have feed and return lines but no shutoff valves, you can get doused like someone planning an evening of self-immolation. I've used various methods of pinching off fuel and oil lines, everything from binder clips and zip ties to vise-grips, but a recent visit to my local Sears store uncovered a perfect little tool for the job: the Craftsman Mini Hose Pinch Pliers (part #47050; $10). These small (5 1/4-inch-long) pliers have flat, articulating jaws on the business end that easily pinch closed any normal hose or fuel line up to 3/4-inch in diameter. They use a clever, patented design that firmly locks the jaws in any position without springs or ratcheting mechanisms. You pinch the hose by squeezing the handles together and release it by simply spreading the handles apart, yet the jaws themselves cannot be pried apart. Since buying two of these pliers, I've used them on at least a half-dozen different rubber or neoprene lines, and they've gotten the job done easily and without mess. For bigger hoses (up to 1 1/4-inch diameter), Craftsman also sells a larger version (#47051; $17), though I've not tried those.