If you're a motorcyclist and saw either the original Tron (1982) or the more recent Tron: Legacy (2010) movies, you can't help but want to get on a Light Cycle and show the "programs" how to ride. You'll never live your life on a circuit board, but if you want to do your best impersonation of star protagonist Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges), Evolve Motorcycles (www.evolvemotorcycles.com) can put you on its electric-powered Xenon light bike—for a mere $55,000.
The New York-based company claims that the Xenon has a range up to 100 miles and can achieve a top speed of 70 mph. A 40,000-watt motor is powered by either a 60 or 120ah LiFe PO4 battery pack and packaged in a fiberglass chassis built by Parker Brothers Custom Choppers. The Xenon rides on 32-inch hubless wheels and is trimmed with LED light tape to ensure that no one misses your entrance.