MAGURA's HC1 Radial Master Cylinder - New Product

The HCT family is growing

MAGURA's HC1 radial master cylinder.Photo Courtesy of MAGURA

As can be expected when it comes to radial fitments, MAGURA uses its patented HCT (hard core technology), which was developed in-house. Until now, this innovative technology has only been part of another product, which is mainly used by motorcycle racing fans and discerning customization aficionados. Now ready at the starting line, the new HC1 is the brake and clutch master that not only offers the unique HCT design and material advantages, but also targets motorcyclists who put the emphasis on comfort and safety.

Whether as a brake or clutch, the HC1 gives you a noticeable improvement in motorcycle performance. The pressure point is so full and so perfectly defined, you’ll think your fingers are part of the brake or clutch system.

The HC1 makes “lack of feel” a thing of the past. So if you want to go the extra mile when it comes to top riding dynamics, safety, and comfort, this upgrade is really for you. The radial master cylinder makes a huge impression with its fine technology and wonderful ergonomics.

The HC1 is of course ABS-compatible and is manufactured to the famous MAGURA high-quality standards. When it comes to installation, this radial fitment really impresses—thanks to its compact design and the diagonal inclination of the cylinder.

The HC1 is a first-class option to make a good bike even better—especially for superbikes, supermotos, and roadster specialists. The bottom line is that the new HC1 radial master is so good that you’ll definitely see it on bikes used for racing as well.